Vitamin D3 5000 IU x 365
Vitamin D3 5000 IU x 365
Výrobca: | DamianVit |
Kód: | HO1 |
Dostupnosť: | 5 prac. dní |
Kúpou tohoto produktu získate 21 bodov. |
Popis Vitamin D3 5000 IU x 365
Vitamin D3 5000 IU x 365
Vitamín D3 (cholekalciferol): Novodobé výskumy poukazujú na fakt, že moderný životný štýl v uzavretých priestoroch budov vedie k celosvetovému pandémickému rozšíreniu nedostatku vitamínu D. Vedci okrem iného zistili, že vitamín D je dôležitým hormonálnym prekurzorom, podporujúcim mnohé imunitné reakcie a pomáha regulovať štruktúru minimálne dvadsiatich rôznych tkanív v tele, vrátane tkanív nervového systému a kĺbov. Zohráva tiež úlohu pri vývine buniek, DNA, regulácii hladiny inzulínu a pri stavbe kostí.
O vitamíne D si môžete prečítať viac na stránke
- Najvyššia potencia vitamínu D dostupná na SK a CZ
- Prírodný zdroj z lanolínu
- Vhodný pre všetky vekové kategórie a pre tehotné a kojacie ženy
Vitamín D3 10,000 IU patrí medzi základné výživové prvky a je vyrobený vo vysoko vstrebateľnej, tekutej forme v jemnej kapsuli. Malú časť vitamínu D človek získava z jedla. Väčšia časť je syntetizovaná v koži vplyvom slnečných lúčov. Zimné obdobie a v lete opaľovacie krémy jeho telesnej produkcii výrazne zabraňujú. Veľká väčšina ľudí (nielen chorých), ktorí si na naše odporúčanie dali zmerať hladinu vitamnu D v krvi, ju mali kriticky nízku. Po vitamíne C ho mnohí výživoví experti považujú za druhý najdôležitejší výživový komponent. Z toho dôvodu úprimne a vrelo odporúčame jeho užívanie.
Jedna až niekoľko kapsúl denne - podľa hladiny vitamínu D v krvi.
Deti mladšie ako 2 roky - podľa odporúčania a stavu.
Vitamin D - THE essential supplement
Recently scientists have discovered that Vitamin D influences 229 genes in the human body. As a single example, one gene that is regulated by vitamin D fights infection by creating more than 200 anti-microbial peptides, the most important of which is a naturally occurring broad spectrum antibiotic. This is part of the reason Vitamin D is so effective against colds and flu. Even more importantly it appears that Vitamin D binds to the DNA of our cells and directly controls genes implicated in multiple sclerosis, cancer and diabetes.
Increasingly Important for Maintaining Good Health
As studies continue with Vitamin D we are discovering that it does far more than we originally thought. Yes, it aids the absorption of calcium for our bones, it repairs and maintains our bodily functions, regulates our immune system and is important for a healthy heart. However, as mentioned above, it does not stop there. Vitamin D could be an important factor in the prevention of serious degenerative diseases such as dementia, cancer, diabetes and autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis. This is what has been discovered so far - there are many more ongoing studies which will reveal further insights into this invaluable Pro-Hormone.
Winter Blues?
As if all this wasn't enough, it appears that Vitamin D has an effect on our mood. Have you noticed that you have become more depressed with the onset of winter - have your energy levels dropped? This could well be due to a deficiency in vitamin D as you are no longer being exposed to sufficient sunlight.
High Absorption Vitamin D
Eighty to One hundred percent of the vitamin D we need is created when we are exposed to the sun. Most of us are not exposed to enough sunlight. What's more, using sunscreen can block around 97 percent of vitamin D production. Only a small amount of vitamin D is ingested through diet. This is where supplementation comes in. This product is high absorption Vitamin D3 - the most effective form of Vitamin D.
Vitamin D has a huge range of health benefits:
Boosts Overall Immunity & Prevents Colds and Flu
Maintains healthy phosphorus and calcium for strong bones
Can aid in the prevention of degenerative diseases such as dementia
Can aid in the prevention of autoimmune diseases such as Arthritis and MS
Prevent Depression - Particularly during Winter months
Reduce risk of Heart disease by preventing calcium build-up in arteries
Patients with Congestive Heart failure have lower levels of vitamin D
Increases muscle strength in older adults
Can reduce body fat in teens
Reduces the risk of developing cancer
Suggested Use: Take 1 soft gel daily, preferably with a meal
See ingredients and supplement cautions below.
Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 1 Softgel | ||
Amount Per Serving | % DV | |
Vitamin D3 (as Cholecalciferol) | 5,000 IU | 1250% |
Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. † Daily Value not established. |
Other Ingredients
Free of Sugar, Salt, Starch, Yeast, Wheat, Gluten, Corn, Soy, Barley, Fish, Shellfish, Nuts, Tree Nuts, Egg and Dairy Products. No Preservatives, Artificial Colors or Artificial Flavors.